
Showing posts from 2011

I wish! (sigh)

I have been thinking to write for months now. Despite the fact that I lose a lot of time browsing the internet and shopping or reading random things, I just could not push myself into posting something here. I like to say I didn't have time and I had to read scientific research related papers and do lab work and all this is partially true too but not to the extent that I could not find half hour in half year to write when I was absolutely in the mood of "my kind of writing" almost 5 days a week! Not to mention, I had straight up 2 weeks of laying in bed with chicken pox when I could have made up for not keeping up with my blog. Nevertheless, I don't see my writing and myself as two different entities. These writings and hence the blog are a part of me and such an integral part that there is no sense of it being any different than what I am. I am what I write. Before I start spitting my random thoughts, let me thank a friend of a friend who facebook-messaged me and so...